
Should I Get a Sewer Camera Inspection?

plumber doing a Sewer camera inspection

Scoping out your drains with a camera is an effective way to detect any problems you may have with your sewer lines. With sewer cameras, you’ll be able to see any problems, or soon-to-be problems, before they get out of hand.

Sewer camera inspections are non-invasive, meaning you won’t have to tear up any sidewalk or flooring to gain access to the sewer lines. In the past, an inspection would require a lot of time and effort, not to mention destruction.  Thanks to advances in technology resulting in “sewer cameras,” we’re able to inspect any sewer or drain virtually hassle-free, but are they worth it?

Is Sewer Camera Inspection Worth it?

If you live in an older home or have not had your sewer lines inspected, it would be worth it. Identifying a problem early can save you time and money. The cost of a sewer line inspection is less in comparison to the cost of cleaning up a sewage spill resulting from a backed-up drain.

What are Sewer Cameras? 

Sewer cameras are devices consisting of a drain cable with a video camera at the end and an attached video screen. Lights on the cable light up the sewer around the video camera. This enables you to see everything that the video camera sees as the cable is inserted into and travels through a sewer line. A sewer camera inspection can reveal any and all kinds of problems — drain blockages, material build-ups, and tree roots.

What Can Go Wrong With Sewers?

All of these things can lead to the emission of awful smells, or worse. If a sewer becomes blocked bad enough, sewage could spill out and require a costly — and smelly — cleanup. Dirty pipes can also lead to dirty residues in basements and wet basement floors after rainfall. None of these is particularly attractive in homes and can prevent you from being comfortable inviting guests over for events. In a commercial setting, sewer issues can negatively impact profit.

In addition to the more obvious problems listed above, sewer camera inspections also reveal the overall condition of sewage pipes. Over time, grime, mineral deposits, and other things such as hair can build up in the pipes. While this is not as immediate a problem, it can lead to troubles later on down the line if conditions worsen.

How Often Does a Sewer Need to Be Cleaned?

There’s no “one size fits all” with sewer inspections or cleanings. The frequency with which a sewer should be properly cleaned depends on a variety of factors. As mentioned previously, older homes or buildings with older sewage systems should have a sewer camera inspection if they haven’t been yet. The number of people that live in a home can affect how often you’ll want your drains cleaned out. For example, we know one homeowner with three girls who need us to clean their drains out every six months or so, due to the amount of hair entering the drains and eventually causing clogs. As a side note, to prevent your drains from getting clogged, be sure to install drain screens in all bathtubs and showers in your home. Also, avoid flushing paper towels or sanitary napkins/wipes down toilets. These items were not designed to be flushed and can contribute to clogs.

If not done preemptively, another good time to opt for an inspection or cleaning is when you see one or more of the following signs that your drains may be clogged:

  • Water drains slowly from showers, tubs, toilets, etc.;
  • Unnatural, gurgling sounds can be heard in drains;
  • Smelly odors coming from the drains or your basement.

So, in conclusion, it’s a good idea to have your sewers or drainage inspected if you’ve never had them inspected before, if you live in an older home, or immediately after you begin noticing the above warning signs.

Sewer Camera Service

You could invest a lot of money in a sewer camera of your own. However, in general, it is more cost-effective to hire professionals to get the job done. A sewer camera will likely run you $5000 or more. Residential cameras can be found around the $100 price range, but these cameras’ cables are typically only a few feet long. This renders them incapable of inspecting anything other than the simplest sink drain. Commercial sewer cameras — the kind that we use for our sewer camera service — have a range of 200 feet or more.

And what would happen if you find a problem while using your own sewer camera device? The machinery and devices required to properly deal with any problems discovered would cost another fortune. Apart from saving money, trying to do your own sewer surveillance also comes at the cost of expertise. As sewer and drain professionals, we have experience dealing with all kinds of sewers and all kinds of problems. Because of this, we rarely encounter a sewer or drain that is completely new to us.

Our $425 sewer video inspection should feel like a great deal when you consider not only how much money you’re saving (at least $4000) but also the amount of proficiency we bring to the table. Our expertise and experience mean the job will get done quickly and in the most effective way possible. Whether you need residential or commercial sewer or drain service, we’ve got all the proper knowledge and tools — including sewer cameras, of course.

If you have any questions about sewer camera inspections at all, feel free to give us a call or send us an inquiry via our website. We’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.

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